Friday, March 15, 2013

Late Night

Mommy Minutes...This is officially the first Friday night that I have been awake past 10pm. My husband and I just Ferberized our daughter and it has been so great!!! Our little peanut used to sleep with us in bed. That wasn't our plan, but it happened one night and then got worse and worse to the point where our daughter would need me to sleep with her in bed so she could stay asleep. This meant that I would go to bed around 8pm. YIKES!!! 

I hated listening to my baby cry for a few minutes while I waited to go back in and soothe her but, I am so proud of how well she gets herself to sleep now. There is no crying and she sleeps an extra 2 hours each night because my husband and his need to toss and turn all night long doesn't wake her. BONUS! :) I want all mommies like me out there to know that using the Ferber method wasn't that bad. It's amazing to see how babies learns to soothe themselves! 

Teacher Time....My kiddos just completed a unit on Immigration. We have the TCI program at our school and the students went through a simulation game where they pretended they are Immigrants traveling to the U.S. I'm not a big fan of multiple choice tests and I like the students to show their learning in other ways. 

For this unit, I had the students write a letter home to mom or dad from the perspective of an immigrant. They needed to explain how and why they traveled to the U.S. and what life is like for them now as immigrants in the U.S. The students did such an awesome job! I love how creative they were with showing how much they had learned about immigration. Love! 
Here are a few pics. (I'm still learning how to upload links....when I do, I'll have some FREEBIES)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted

First Linky Party!
Let me just start out by saying that this whole initials and info thing is quite challenging!

K-Kinda obsessed with anchor charts
I love to use anchor chart markers and I have found that my kids love them just as much. 
I found this anchor chart on own of my ultimate faves- Pinterest. Sorry, not sure who created it themselves. 

A-Always wanted to be a stay at home mommy
One day I hope to stay home to my kids. In the meantime, I'm loving having the best of both worlds-teaching and being a mommy! Here's my little peanut...LOVE HER!!!

Z-Zac Brown Band
I love me some Chicken Fried and Knee Deep. My daughter loves to jam out to this too. I've trained her well. :)

Entry Numero Uno

I have been quite the blog stalker the past two years and I figured it was time to venture out of my comfort zone and try making my own.  Here goes nothing...

I'm a working mom of an amazing, fun and super cute 11 month old baby girl and a wife of a hard working, sweet and loving marketing guru. This is my 3rd year teaching third grade and I previously taught 4th grade as well. 

ADHD moment: One of my kiddos left a post it on my desk saying 

"Thank you for letting me sit at your desk. I could infer you dislike it when someone sits at your desk because it's a big hassle." (I haven't quite figured out how to take pics and upload them on my page.) How stinking cute!! I love how she used the word "infer." Job well done. Gotta love what kids think and write about.  

Surprisingly, I have nothing to do at the moment since the bottles are washed and cleaned for tomorrow and I have ZERO papers to grade because of ISAT testing all last week. Thank you test taking..that was the first time I was able to sit at my desk and get some work done. 

Well, I'm off to explore this blog thing a bit more....who am I kidding? I'll probably checkout my favorite blogs before heading to bed.